
Halloween is a holiday the entire family can enjoy, including four-legged members. Maybe you found a cute costume for your dog to wear or want some photos of your black cat with your child in their witch costume. While it’s fun to include your pet in the spooky spirit, the holiday does pose some risks. Find out how to keep animals safe and avoid unnecessary trips to the veterinarian this October 31.

3 Halloween Safety Tips for Pets

1. Lock Away Candy

Candy can be harmful to cats and dogs, particularly chocolate. Their bodies are unable to properly digest and excrete chocolate’s theobromine, a caffeine-like substance, which results in chocolate toxicity. It can lead to increased heart rate, diarrhea, vomiting, and even seizures and heart failure. Keep all Halloween candy locked in a cupboard out of animals’ reach. If they do eat chocolate, call your veterinarian immediately.

veterinarian2. Be Kind With Costumes

Make sure any pet costume allows the animal to move freely. It should not include a mask or anything that could impede their sight or breathing. Instead of keeping them clad in Halloween garb all night, just take a few photos of them dressed up, then let them run free. Cats and dogs are happiest when unencumbered.

3. Keep Them Inside

The great outdoors poses many unique threats for animals on October 31, from jack-o-lanterns with burning flames to decorations like fake spider webs that they could get tangled in or choke on. Keep your pet inside, out of danger. Since you will be opening the door frequently for trick-or-treaters, it’s best to lock animals in a separate quiet room. Just in case, make sure the information on their identification tags or chip is current.


If your pet requires veterinary care on Halloween or any other time of the year, bring them to The Pet Clinic in Honolulu, HI, where they tend to cats, dogs, birds, and small animals. With over 60 years of experience, the team at this pet hospital has the knowledge you can count on, plus innovative procedures like laser therapy and allergy testing. Get a full overview of their services, from kitten vaccinations to rabbit care, online. To request a veterinarian appointment, call (808) 946-5096.
