
Root canal treatments are common procedures, giving patients relief from infected or inflamed tooth pulp. After undergoing this treatment, you’ll need to take certain measures to help the tooth heal quickly and prevent possible complications. Consult the following guide for the basics of root canal aftercare. 


Brush your teeth gently. 

Use a soft toothbrush to brush your teeth twice per day as usual, but be extra gentle around the affected tooth. Also, gently floss your teeth to remove food particles and prevent infection. 

Take recommended pain medication. 

root canalYour dentist may recommend prescription painkillers or over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen. Follow the dentist’s directions and take the right dosage. They may give you an antibiotic as well. 

Stick to soft foods. 

Especially in the days following the root canal treatment, eat softer foods to protect the healing tooth. Once you’re feeling better or when your dentist approves, you can start solid foods again. 


Chew on the treated side of your mouth.

One of the best ways to protect the root canal site is to avoid stressing it. Chew on the other side of your mouth to avoid breaking or pulling out the temporary crown. Your dentist will eventually place a permanent crown, which will be more stable for chewing. 

Ignore swelling and pain. 

If you experience increased swelling or pain, call your dentist. These could be signs of infection. Call if you crack the tooth, if the filling falls out, or if you have a fever as well. They will likely want to see you in the office to check the procedure site. 

Skip your follow-up appointment. 

It’s essential to attend your follow-up appointment since this is when the dentist will inspect the treatment site and place the permanent crown. Skipping this appointment will delay your healing and risk further complications. 


Whether you need a root canal treatment or are due for a routine teeth cleaning, trust the family dentistry professionals at Aina Haina Dental Group in Honolulu, HI. Serving Oahu since 1976, Dr. Keith W. Morikawa and his team continue to provide state-of-the-art care for patients of all ages. For more information on their services, visit their website. Call (808) 373-2184 today to set up an appointment. 
