
Military veterans face some daunting challenges when returning to civilian life, especially if they’ve experienced a disabling injury during their service. Fortunately, the Social Security Administration (SSA) offers special benefits to injured service members, ensuring they get the prompt attention and financial support they need to successfully start building the next chapter of their lives. Here are just a few ways Social Security disability for veterans can help.

3 Ways Social Security Disability Services American Veterans

1. Expedited Processing of Disability Benefit Applications

social security disability for veteransApplying for Social Security disability benefits can be a long, complex process that may take over a year to complete. However, the SSA offers expedited processing of Social Security disability for veterans—with a 100% permanent and total disability rating from the Veterans Affairs. The processing time for these applications will vary, depending on the nature of your disability, but your case will be treated as high priority.

2. Help Transitioning Back Into the Workforce

If you believe you may be able to work in some capacity, despite your disabilities, the SSA will allow you to experiment without risking the benefits you rely on. Through the Ticket to Work program, Social Security also gives military veterans access to a preapproved Employment Network that will help you achieve your goals.

3. Employment Opportunities

The SSA offers several options for disabled veterans interested in working for them, including internship programs designed to provide applicants with marketable work experience. The SSA also actively seeks to recruit workers with disabilities who are interested in finding a way back into the workforce.


With extensive experience providing guidance to veterans, the law firm at David W. Kapor & Associates in Cincinnati, OH, has the expertise you need. Because they focus exclusively on disability law, you can rely on their team to ensure you receive all of the benefits you deserve. Visit their website for more information on their services, or call (513) 721-2820 to learn more about Social Security disability for veterans.
