
Sometimes, people are afraid to spay or neuter their pet. They worry that it will hurt their furry friend or cost more money than it's worth. The reality is that it's a vital procedure, one that the veterinarians at Waipio Pet Clinic in Waipahu, HI perform on a regular basis to ensure that people's pets stay healthy. 

There are many important reasons to spay or neuter you pets, which will alleviate any future concerns you may have about animal wellness:

  • It reduces the odds, or eliminates the possibility entirely, of breast cancer, uterine infections, testicular cancer, and prostate problems.
  • A spayed female won't go into heat, which is fairly frequent for female cats and may cause them to urinate throughout the home.
  • An intact male usually tries to roam away from the house during particular times seeking a mate. 
  • Aggression problems are often minimized by neutering.
  • It's much cheaper to spay/neuter your animal than it is to pay for a litter of puppies or kittens!
  • It fights overpopulation. There are already far too many animals in shelters, and many more that are put to sleep. 

There are lots of myths about neutering and spaying that cast it in a negative light, but doing so is a crucial part of being a responsible pet owner.

Help your pet by giving it a jumpstart on a healthy life. Neutering or spaying is the first step, so call Waipio Pet Clinic, your trusted pet hospital, at (808) 676-2205 today to make an appointment or if you have any questions or concerns. 
