
It’s safe to say that life would be far less pleasant without the convenience of modern plumbing, and a large part of that comfort is thanks to bathrooms. Just like any other fixture in your house, however, a toilet can experience various issues that keep it from working properly. In honor of October being National Toilet Repair Month, here are some common problems toilets face, how to fix them, and when you should reach out to an experienced plumber instead.

Repair Tips for Toilet Issues

1. Loose Flush Handles

If the flush handle on your toilet rattles every time you use it, it’s time to tighten it. This is a simple procedure typically consisting of one of two methods. First, the wire or chain that links the flush handle to the flapper — inside the tank — might have disconnected. Simply opening the tank and reconnecting the wire or chain should fix this problem.

The mounting hardware that fastens the handle to the tank may have also loosened over time. To fix this issue, open the tank and tighten the flush handle’s nuts. These quick and easy repairs should make your handle tight and functional again.

2. Running Toilets

plumberConstantly running toilets are a frustrating problem because of their noise and water wastefulness. Much like a loose flush handle, there are two main culprits for this problem.

The flapper — the rubber or neoprene object that sits against the valve inside the toilet’s tank — might be damaged or not sealing correctly. Try adjusting it to see if it’s just out of place. Otherwise, a replacement flapper is easy to install and should fix the problem.

A high water level can also cause a toilet to constantly run. If replacing the flapper wasn’t the solution, a malfunctioning fill valve is likely to blame. By draining the tank and replacing the fill valve, your toilet should stop running. This isn’t complicated but does require a bit more effort than replacing a flapper. Calling a professional plumber to examine the valve will ensure the job is handled correctly. The plumber will also be able to select the right replacement, removing any worry of wasting a trip to the hardware store.

3. Clogs

Whether the result of a mischievous child dropping a toy down the toilet or you accidentally flushing an item that you thought was toilet-friendly, clogs are a normal part of any toilet’s lifespan. A plunger can eliminate most clogs, but some might be too lodged inside the piping to push out. In these cases, it’s best to contact a professional plumber if you’re not experienced with other tools, such as drain snakes or toilet augers.


If you’re experiencing problems with your toilet, the professional plumbers of A All Valley Plumbing & Sewer Service in Cincinnati, OH, are ready to help. Whether you’re battling a major clog, a broken fill valve, or any other plumbing issue, the company’s experienced team will take care of it efficiently and professionally. And, thanks to the emergency plumbing service, you’ll never be without the assistance you need. Visit the website for a full list of services, or call (513) 733-3311 to speak with a friendly representative.
