
For restaurant owners, health inspections are important evaluations that establish the overall cleanliness and food safety of an establishment. But while this process is routine in the restaurant world, many wonder how health code regulations apply to those in the mobile food truck business. While the specific rules and requirements can vary from location to location, here are a few things you should know to prepare for a food truck health inspection.

Simple Guide to Health Inspections for Mobile Food Trucks

Cleanliness Check

When evaluating the cleanliness of a food truck, inspectors look for most of the same details that are checked during a review of a physical restaurant. For example, they will make sure that the floors and surfaces are properly cleaned and sterilized to prevent the transmission of foodborne illness. Trash disposal will also be inspected to ensure all waste is handled safely. If pests—such as bugs or rats—are found on the premises, citations may be issued.

Assessment of Food Safety Practices

mobile food truckWhile the truck itself must be clean, health inspectors will also evaluate the food safety practices of employees. These criteria may include proper hand washing and temperature monitoring. Food ingredients are also evaluated to ensure that no items are expired or spoiled. Additionally, inspectors will review records to ensure that routine cleanliness and food safety checks are taking place.

Equipment Evaluation

During this portion of the assessment, the inspector will make sure all plumbing, ranges, refrigeration, and other equipment is properly maintained, safely connected, and capable of reaching necessary temperatures. Professionals may also check for the presence of necessary tools and equipment—such as fire extinguishers and ample cleaning supplies. 

Grading & Citation

At the end of the health inspection, a grade may be offered to rank the truck’s overall food safety and cleanliness rating. Typically, this grade must be prominently displayed on the food truck so that customers are aware.

If there are any problems present, the inspector may provide a citation and require that the issue is fixed before the next visit. If the issue is not resolved upon the next visit, the establishment may be fined or closed down.


While the world of mobile food trucks is exciting, making sure your establishment is in tip-top shape takes a lot of work and planning. That’s why Shanghai Mobile Kitchen Solutions offers comprehensive services to help business owners start a food truck. From designing custom kitchens to supplying mobile kitchen products, this team will make sure your truck is equipped to provide safe and clean service. These specialists also offer dependable food truck repair and inspection services to address any equipment issues that may be affecting your inspection rating. Visit this food truck team online to learn more about the services they offer throughout New York and the Greater East Coast region. To discuss your plans, call (800) 253-4815 to speak with an expert at their Brooklyn, NY headquarters. 
