
There are countless ways to change up habits at home for a more efficient environment, many of which are a matter of smart electrical use. Electricians have plenty of tricks for saving money throughout the year. If you're looking for new ways to cut down on your monthly utility bills, try out a few of the quick and easy tips below.

5 Ways to Live More Efficiently

1. Check for Insulation Leaks

Electricians and HVAC contractors alike have seen countless cases of residents losing money year-round because of faulty insulation. You can get ahead of this issue by checking for gaps and leaks in windows, doors, and other areas of the home. According to Energy Star, adding insulation where necessary could save you up to 10% on annual energy bills.

2. Turn Off Lights When Away

If you're not in the room, you don't need the lights on. It sounds straightforward, but many homeowners leave lights on around the home even when the rooms aren't in use. Lighting is no small fry when it comes to monthly electrical service costs, so don’t discount it.

3. Cool Off With Ceiling Fans

electricianThose hoping to cut down on electrical costs will often find themselves turning back to heating and cooling usage, which has a huge impact on bills. To save even more, electricians recommend taking advantage of ceiling fans. They use less energy and still keep you cool while allowing you to raise the thermostat during the hotter months.

4. Let in the Outside Light

Unless it's overcast, there isn't any reason to use indoor lights during the day. Turning to natural light will reduce dependence on electrical alternatives. You may want to give the sunlight a break when it's especially hot outside, though. It's all about finding the right balance that will let you make the most out of your home's efficiency potential.

5. Inspect Appliances

Faulty or obstructed appliances will run less efficiently, leading to higher bills each month. In some cases, you may need to hire an electrician to inspect wiring and make sure appliances are running smoothly. You can also do your part. Simple acts like defrosting your refrigerator and freezer will make a world of difference.


Whenever you need help developing a more efficient home environment, don't settle for anything less than the best in licensed electricians. AA Electric has been the go-to solution for residential, commercial, and industrial clients since 1947, handling everything from complete commercial building renovations to minor home electrical repairs. Visit them online to learn more about their electrical services, and call them at (808) 841-4131 to set up a consultation today.
