
While pregnancy is a joyous time, many women also experience changes in their oral health. This is due to shifting hormones, which can affect teeth and gum health negatively. This is why proper dental care while pregnant is so important. Along with regular visits to your dentist, the following advice can help pregnant women achieve optimum oral health.

Dentists Recommend These 3 Tips for Pregnant Women

1. Make Home Dental Care a Priority

Brushing should occur at least twice a day for at least two minutes at a time while flossing should happen at least once a day. Try to stay away from sugary sodas and treats, which can increase the rate of decay. When you do indulge in sweets, be sure to brush and rinse properly afterward to prevent plaque and bacteria from forming.

2. Increase Calcium Intake

Pregnant women are urged to get a sufficient amount of calcium, which entails eating foods like cheese, yogurt, milk, tree nuts, and leafy greens. Cheese is a particularly wonderful source of calcium, as it also naturally scrubs surface stains from teeth. If your diet is lacking, consider taking supplements to ensure proper daily intake.

3. Visit Your Dentist

dentistYou should make your dentist aware that you’re pregnant right away. Because pregnancy can have an impact on oral health, your dental care team might need to make specific treatment recommendations. Pregnant women typically shouldn’t undergo x-rays, which are common during teeth cleanings. Your dentist will also want to know about medications you’re taking to make sure there are no contraindications.


As a trusted dentist in Hazard, KY, for more than 43 years, Jim S. Caudill, DMD PSC can help all of his patients achieve healthy and beautiful smiles. Along with general dental checkups, this clinic also offers orthodontic procedures, root canals, implants, and cosmetic treatments like teeth whitening and bonding. They even offer service for dental emergencies thanks to their after-hours availability. If you’d like to schedule an appointment, call (606) 436-3432 today. You can also visit the website for more helpful patient tips.
