
When you’re in a property transaction, you probably think of your real estate agent as the expert to consult. But in fact, you will likely need the services of another professional. Whether you’re buying real estate, selling, or in a dispute over property, the services of a real estate attorney will help protect your interest and streamline the process.

Property Transactions

Real Estate AttorneyReal estate is a major purchase with a significant amount of money involved, so both the buyer and the dealer need protection to make sure nothing goes wrong with the deal. In this case, it’s a good idea for each side to consult a law firm just to make sure the agreement is in order. A real estate attorney will help draft or examine contracts and paperwork, explain any clauses you may not understand, and ensure the agreement you make is in your best interests. They’ll also help draft a title insurance agreement, so that if the deal goes wrong you’re fully covered.

Property Disputes

On the other hand, if you already own property and someone else is encroaching on it, a real estate attorney is your best option for protecting your assets. They’ll help you prove whatever property lines are in question and pursue legal action if your right to your property is infringed. With the help of your lawyer, you can get pushy neighbors off your property, receive monetary compensation for damage, and return to full, peaceful ownership of your land.


If you think you may need a real estate attorney, contact Stephen B. Kaufman, P.C. in the Bronx, NY. With over 40 years of experience in personal injury and real estate law, his dedicated attitude and aggressive pursuit of your goals will help ensure your interests are protected. To schedule a consultation, call (718) 822-0500 or send a message online.
