
Visiting the grave marker of a loved one who has passed can be a fulfilling experience that provides closure and helps you still feel close to them. It’s a common custom to leave items with them. These can be a sign of respect, deeply personal, or something to beautify the headstone. If you’re looking for inspiration, consider the ideas below before going to see your loved one.

What to Leave When Visiting a Grave Marker

1. Flowers

If you’ve ever been to a cemetery, you may have noticed that flowers are placed throughout the grounds. Leaving a bouquet at a grave marker is a popular sign of respect for the deceased. Instead of selecting general mourning flowers, choose a unique arrangement of their favorites. It lets other visitors learn something interesting about them and will make the act more personal.

2. Trinkets

grave-marker-derrick-monument-coThe headstones of famous figures are often surrounded by trinkets and signs of admiration from devoted followers. Consider doing the same for your loved one. Bring a gift now and then—such as a statue, toy, or piece of art—you think they would enjoy. This will help you feel closer to them and express their personality to other visitors. Make sure it’s something respectful that won’t offend or be off-putting to people visiting the surrounding graves.

3. Notes

Many people enjoy speaking to their loved one’s grave marker. If you’re uncomfortable doing this, leave a note instead. It can be a few simple sentences or multiple pages—there’s no set rule. Try writing a poem, updating them on your family, or expressing how much you love and miss them. 


A grave marker plays a significant role in preserving your loved one’s legacy. For a beautiful headstone, turn to Derrick Monument Company Inc Since 1915, this family-owned and -operated business has provided residents of Genesee County, NY, with headstones and gravestone markers that are meaningful and sentimental. Call (585) 768-8470 to schedule a consultation with their specialists. Explore their services online.
