
When playing contact sports, your eye health may be the last thing on your mind. However, if you get hit with a ball or other piece of equipment, you may experience a fractured socket, vision loss, or a scratched cornea. Proper eye care during these times preserves your well-being and keeps you on the field. Below are a few easy tips to avoid injury during several popular activities. 

5 Eye Care Tips During Various Sports

1. Baseball

When stepping up to bat or catching a ball, your face and eyes are at risk of being hit. Since baseballs are hard and travel at high speeds, resulting injuries can be severe. To prevent this, purchase a polycarbonate or plastic face guard to wear with your helmet. 

2. Football

The sport requires significant protection, which is why football players wear helmets. For an extra layer of safety, wear eye and full-face guards. Doing so helps players avoid blows to these vulnerable areas when tackled. 

3. Soccer

eye careThe contact sport generally requires little protection. To prevent being hit by a ball or opposing player, wear eye guards during practice and games. If you have a prescription, talk to your eye doctor about protective sports glasses. Those who play outside should also invest in products with UV protection. 

4. Hockey

Flying pucks and contact with other players can cause eye injury during this fast-paced sport. Always wear a helmet, even when you are just hitting the puck around. Choose an option that is fitted with high-quality polycarbonate or wire. Check it regularly to ensure the mask stays in place. 

5. Basketball

Basketball players usually don’t wear any protection even though the sport carries risks. To avoid vision damage, wear eye guards or prescription sports glasses during games and practice. Check them regularly to ensure the lenses stay in place. 


Keep your eyes healthy during sports and daily life by consulting with Dr. Thomas Deluca Dr. Anthony Marciano & Associates in New Haven County, CT. Whether you need a comprehensive exam, advice, or special eye care procedures, these professionals provide top-of-the-line service in a state-of-the-art facility. For more information about how they can assist or to schedule an appointment for eye care today, call (203) 758-4447.
