
Even if glass windows are expertly installed and maintained, they can begin to show signs of wear and tear over time. This can lead many homeowners to wonder whether it’s time to replace these structures. To help you decide if you’re in need of a window replacement, here are a few signs to look out for.

How to Know If You Need a Glass Window Replacement

1. High Energy Bills

As they deteriorate over time, windows can allow warm air in winter and cool air in summer to escape from your home. Offering little insulation, old windows force an HVAC system to work harder to keep your home at a comfortable temperature. As a result, you’ll likely notice a sudden spike in energy bills — and this is a clear sign that it’s time to replace those outdated windows with more energy-efficient models.

2. Condensation

window replacementIf moisture and condensation accumulate between the layers of glass, this can indicate that the seals are failing. Additionally, you might notice that the window develops a thick layer of frost every winter. Both of these issues indicate that windows are failing to do their job — and the moisture can significantly damage the little insulation your windows have. Consider a window replacement using multi-pane models to keep this from happening in the future.

3. Damaged Frames

If your window frames are made out of wood, you might notice them beginning to deteriorate or rot over time. Although you might be able to consider window restoration and repair for minor issues, severe warping or deterioration will require a replacement. You might also notice cracks in the pane or the smell of mildew, which indicates a fungus is eating away at the material.


If you notice any of these signs, your home could benefit from new glass windows. Turn to the experts at The Glass Guru of Macedonia, located in Summit County, OH, to restore your windows to their natural state. If you need a more budget-friendly solution, they even offer moisture removal services to prevent condensation buildup. Plus, their window replacement and repair services are backed by a 10-year warranty. To request an estimate, call them today at (330) 467-5318 or contact them through the website.