
If your loved one has trouble getting around on their own, handicap transportation is available to help with errand running, appointments, and recreation. Using transportation services, individuals with limited mobility or independence can go essentially anywhere. For extra convenience, these services don’t just pick clients up at home; there are a range of places where your loved one can arrange a ride, depending on the provider and their schedule, like the following locations.

Where Handicap Transportation Provides Pickup

1. Nursing Homes or Adult Day Care

If your elderly loved one doesn’t spend their days at home, their transportation service will meet them at their care provider instead. This is an option whether your loved one lives in this facility or only stays there during the day.

2. Hospital

Handicap TransportationIf your loved one is being released from the hospital and needs a ride home, a local transportation service can help. They’re familiar with moving recently released patients and medical equipment and will get your loved one home safely.

3. Doctor’s Office

If your loved one is receiving outpatient care from a doctor, therapist, or rehab center, their handicap transportation will meet them there to take them home. Appointments and therapy will be that much easier to handle when they don’t need to worry about asking for a ride or navigating public transport.

4. Church

Medical care isn’t the only need your loved one can meet using transportation services. To get out, socialize, and find spiritual fulfillment, your local transport service will also help them get to and from church, whether they go once or several times a week.


If you need to arrange handicap transportation for your loved one, contact RERK Transport in Waipahu, HI, to learn about available options. For almost 10 years, they have offered dedicated and safe transport to all of Oahu, accommodating clients with a wide range of mobility issues as they pursue everyday tasks. To schedule a ride at least three hours in advance, call them at (808) 671-7242, and visit them online to learn more about their services.
