
Indulging in your favorite alcohol is something many adults enjoy, whether it’s on a special occasion or during a casual get-together with friends. Knowing how to handle your drinking will help to avoid hangovers and other unpleasant situations. Check out the do’s and don’ts below for tips on smart drinking.


Eat before drinking.

Avoid drinking on an empty stomach. Eating first slows down the absorption of alcohol into your bloodstream, so you won’t become intoxicated as quickly if you eat a nutritious meal first. Healthy fats like avocado spread and lean proteins such as fish and grass-fed beef will keep you feeling better throughout the evening. Also, munch on healthy snacks like fruit and nuts and drink plenty of water between drinks.

Stay away from sugary drinks.

AlcoholWhether you’re watching calories or not, avoid sugary cocktails that contain high fructose corn syrup or other sweeteners that can be hard for your body to process. Sweet drinks also trick you into drinking more because the taste of alcohol may be less prevalent, so you could drink more and become inebriated faster.


Mix your drinks.

It may help to avoid drinking different types of alcohol over the course of an evening. While it’s unclear why so many people believe certain types of alcohol must be ingested in a specific order, there’s little research to support that. However, because different types of alcohol come in different strengths, it may be harder to keep track of how much you’ve actually had to drink.

Keep drinking.

If you need to be up early the next day or just want to ensure you have a pleasant morning, be mindful of the amount of alcohol you’re drinking and stop drinking earlier in the evening. Make your drinks last longer by sipping them while talking to friends or enjoying the atmosphere. If necessary, pace yourself by making each drink last for a specific amount of time, such as thirty minutes.


Whether you need alcohol for special occasions or everyday hangouts, stop by Evergreen Liquor Store in Kalispell, MT. This liquor store has been a mainstay of the local community for over 30 years and stocks a wide selection of wine and spirits from top brands. They also feature Montana-made whiskey and vodka for their patrons to shop local and support local businesses. To learn more about their offerings, call (406) 755-1408 or visit them online.
