
Mulch is a landscaping element that comes with a host of advantages for any type of garden. Whether you have flowers and shrubs or vegetables and trees, mulching adds an extra layer of protection to your greenery while making it look attractive and neat. Below are the top 5 reasons to add mulch to your landscaping checklist.

Why Mulching Is Good for Landscaping

1. Weed Control

Mulch is a solid defense against weeds. It inhibits weed seed germination, which stops weeds from taking over your yard. It acts as a barrier against sunlight penetrating the area where weeds like to hide. Without this sunshine, their growth rate is reduced.

2. Evaporation Assistance

During the hot summer months, mulch can stop moisture in your soil from evaporating, reducing hydration loss by as much as 75%. This protective layer keeps in water from irrigation systems and rain, which is particularly beneficial during the hot, dry months. Because of this water retention, you may also get a break on your water bill since you’ll have to run your sprinklers less often.

mulching3. Soil Health

Because mulching absorbs water and keeps it in, there is less runoff that will wash away your soil and lead to erosion. In addition, as organic mulch breaks down, it provides valuable nutrients for the ground, grass, and soil.

4. Worm Support

Mulch invites worms, which are great for your garden. Their movement will aerate the soil and their castings become a useful natural fertilizer that promotes a healthy landscape. Worms also improve soil structure and stability.

5. Pest Control

Some mulch is a deterrent for pests lurking in your yard. Cedar varieties in particular contain natural oils that many insects avoid. There are other very fragrant choices that are not attractive to critters and will keep them away from your plants. A landscaping expert can guide you to the best one for your garden.


Call Steve Hinesley and Co. Inc. when you need mulching for your residential or commercial property. Serving the Triad area of NC, their lawn care services include year-long regular maintenance, irrigation, and shrub and tree trimming. They are even available for landscape design to turn your backyard into a beautiful outdoor haven. To learn more about their 12-month contracts, call (336) 629-3779 or (336) 886-9542. Visit them online for a complete list of services.
