
Losing your partner is one of the hardest challenges many people face throughout their lifetimes. While everyone experiences grief differently, there are some helpful steps to take toward restoring balance and moving forward. Having been part of the Fairfield County, CT, community for over a century, we at Abriola Parkview Funeral Home have learned some useful strategies to share. Here are three self-care tips from our funeral home staff.   

Suggestions for the Recently Widowed 

1. Seek Support

After the loss of a spouse, one of the most natural and common reactions is to feel more alone. But it’s important to remember you are not alone—you have a support system. Allow friends and family to come by frequently, whether it’s to watch a movie together or just sit and chat. Otherwise, you may spend too much time dwelling on what happened instead of moving forward. Surrounded by people who love you, you’ll have a chance to laugh again and receive direct proof that many people still care about you. 

2. Consider Grief Counseling

funeral homeThere is no “normal” way of grieving, and everyone will move at their own pace. Grief counseling can be a useful resource if you find yourself stuck.  Many widows find that they are still thinking about unresolved issues in their relationships or things their loved one said. Others feel unsure how to take that next step forward. Having a trained professional to talk to often helps people work through some of these issues. 

3. Change Your Routine

When you’re constantly in the same places and routines you were in when your spouse was still alive, it can be difficult to stop thinking about your loved one. Taking up a new hobby or going on a short trip with friends can help release the mind and invite new associations. Even if you know it’s meant as a distraction, it can give you something else to focus on. 

Family-owned and -operated, Abriola Parkview Funeral Home takes pride in being a warm presence for mourners. If you need some assistance planning a funeral please call (203) 373-1013.  
