
Mirrors are among the most versatile items around the house, used for both practical and decorative purposes. Similar to any other regular-use household object, they can also wear out and deteriorate over time. These issues ultimately affect the clarity and warrant homeowners to invest in mirror replacement services. Here’s a guide to why it’s important to replace damaged mirrors and the signs that indicate it’s time to do so.

Importance of Mirror Replacement

Damaged and worn out mirrors make it difficult to perform basic routine tasks like putting on makeup and combing hair. Distorted reflection also becomes a safety issue while shaving, putting you at risk for injury. A broken or cracked mirror is a hazard that can result in an accident at any time. Investing in a new mirror is the best way to avoid these situations and ensure safety for everyone in the house.

When to Change the Mirrors

Mirror ReplacementLook out for some obvious signs of deterioration. Visible chips and cracks call for a quick replacement, since this is a safety hazard. Another indication is when the mirror’s reflective coating starts to peel off or develops black spots. This means the mirror is losing its form, shape, and finish, and it’s best to invest in a new one.

Cloudy appearance is a common problem with bathroom mirrors and is often mistaken for the fog left behind after a warm bath. If no amount of cleaning gets rid of the cloudiness, it’s indicative of a damaged mirror backing and warrants timely replacement.

How to Choose the Right One

Depending on where they are installed, mirrors serve a variety of purposes. Bathroom or vanity mirrors should offer a magnified view to make grooming tasks easier. Living room mirrors are primarily designed for their decorative value and the potential to make the space look bigger. You can also opt for custom mirrors to fit in a specific spot of the home.


Whenever you need timely mirror replacement, the experts at Genesee Glass & Mirror will help. For more than 40 years, they have assisted Monroe County, NY, residents with window replacement, repairs, and installation services. They also provide top-quality glass options for table-tops, shower glass doors, and car windows. Learn more about their services by calling (585) 621-3580 or visiting their website.
