
Though pest control services provide the most effective way to keep critters away from your home, you can also do your part between appointments. DIY pest management decreases the likelihood of insect and rodent infestations, preventing illnesses and property damage. Learn more about how to protect your property with the following tips. 

4 DIY Pest Management Tips for Homeowners

1. Seal Gaps & Cracks

Caulk gaps around windows and doors to keep out pests. Seal any visible cracks in floors, baseboards, and electrical outlets. Insects and rodents may enter your home through the foundation, so check it periodically for signs of damage too.

2. Clean Spills & Take Out Trash

pest managementPests are often attracted to food particles and residues, so keep your floors and countertops clean. Wipe or mop up spills as soon as you notice them. Take out your trash often and disinfect the areas where you store the bins. Clear out your garbage disposal from time to time as well.

3. Trim Trees & Foliage

Pests tend to nest in overgrown foliage near your property. Mow your grass, prune your trees, and trim your bushes regularly. Remove fallen limbs and debris from your lawn as quickly as possible. 

4. Remove Standing Water

Standing water sources also make your property more appealing to pests. Clean out your gutters and downspouts to prevent water from pooling and flooding. Fix any plumbing issues in your home, such as leaky pipes and clogged drains, before water starts to collect.


When DIY pest management just isn’t enough, AAA Termite & Pest Control will quickly take care of infestations. For over four decades, this pest control company has provided treatment services to remove termites, roaches, ants, and other critters from Oahu homes and businesses. Call (808) 247-5533 to make an appointment for professional pest management. Learn more about how this family-owned and operated pest control business can assist you online
