
When investing in your home and property, it’s important to keep resale value in mind. This is just one reason many homeowners consider a water well installation. In addition to the purity of the water source, a well is an excellent addition to boost property value. If you are considering hiring a well drilling company, this guide can provide some insight on wells and their overall value. 

Wells & Property Value: What Homeowners Should Know

How Will a Well Impact My Property Value?

For most homeowners, a well will add value to their property. While this value will vary depending on the property, water quality, well type, and well age, the resale value of the land will likely be higher with this feature. One of the only exceptions to this increased value is if the water is contaminated. It’s important to have well water tested regularly, especially before selling a property. 

Does It Matter What Type of Well I Drill?

well installaitonWhile homeowners will select wells that fit their needs, certain types of wells will have a higher impact on property value. Most of the time, if the well provides various types of water, including drinking water, you can maximize its resale value. When planning well installation, consider whether future owners may benefit from the well in the same way that you do. 

Which Types of Properties Can Benefit Most From Wells?

Homes in the country can especially benefit from well installation. Having this independent water source in a remote location can be highly useful. Farm properties will benefit more from irrigation wells, but these types of wells won’t be as valuable for homes without crops. A well drilling company can advise which type is most appropriate for your home. 


Ready to boost your property value with well installation? Gainous Well Drilling in Cairo, GA, has the tools and knowledge it takes to drill a reliable well in your property. Their team of contractors can advise you when selecting the right type of well system for you, providing maintenance and repairs in the future. For more information on their professional services and a free estimate, call (229) 377-7883 today. 

