
October is National Toilet Tank Repair Month. While this designation might sound silly at first, it is actually a reminder for homeowners to check on the toilets throughout their home. Besides faucets, these plumbing devices are some of the biggest leak offenders and can cost you a lot of money each year if they are not running properly. Use the list below to inspect for and correct the most common issues known to affect toilets 

3 Toilet Plumbing Problems & Solutions

1. Faulty Flapper

When the flapper valve becomes waterlogged, it has trouble staying up long enough for the tank to empty correctly. This can result in a partial flush, which you can check by watching the water level in the tank. If the flapper doesn’t allow at least 80 percent of the water to leave the tank after flushing, install a new one.

plumbingSometimes, the flapper could also be letting out water when the toilet hasn’t been flushed. Test this by adding dye to the tank and seeing if it ends up in the bowl several minutes later. If so, the valve is not sealing correctly and will need replacing. 

2. Loud, Whistling Noises

If your toilet is still using an older ballcock fill valve, you can expect your tank to begin to whistle and vibrate after each flush. This happens as the tank refills and the hollow ball floats higher and begins to slowly close the water fill valve. Look for a fill valve that remains open for the entire time the tank is filling up or is floatless to be free of this sound.

3. Water Level Is Too High

Another problem that can cause a toilet to run continuously is when the water level in the tank is too high and runs over into the top of the overflow tube. To correct this, you can reset the refill water level by adjusting the float. The recommendation by most plumbers is at least half-an-inch below the top of the overflow pipe. However, setting it lower will allow you to save more money per flush. 


When you have a toilet or other plumbing problem that is outside your skill set, don’t hesitate to call in the professionals from Osterwisch Company. Since 1946, this family-owned company has been providing highly trained plumbing, heating and cooling, and electrical contractors to the Cincinnati, OH, and Tri-State area. They offer general residential and commercial services as well as specialized new construction and remodeling work. Call them today at (513) 791-3282 to schedule an appointment and visit their website to see a complete overview of their services.
