
Speeding is a fairly common occurrence, and most motorists can expect to receive a ticket for doing so at some point in their lifetime. Few drivers expect to be cited for traveling too slowly, however. Receiving a ticket for driving under the speed limit might sound absurd, but it can and does happen. When it does, the offender should consider hiring a defense attorney because the consequences can be costly. 

Penalties for Slow Speed

defense attorneyIf police issue you a ticket for driving too slowly, you could face a fine of up to $150. If you have a prior traffic offense on your record, though, the potential penalties include up to one month in jail and a fine of up to $250. If you have two or more previous motor-vehicle offenses, you face up to two months in jail and $500 in fines. Additionally, all motorists who receive a slow speed ticket will get two points added to their license and can expect their insurance premiums to increase as a result. 

Defenses to Slow Speed

Although police can issue slow speed tickets in the state of Ohio, driving too slowly is not a primary offense. That means officers cannot pull someone over solely for traveling slower than the traffic around them. To warrant a stop, the motorist must be impeding or obstructing the flow of traffic. Therefore, drivers may not have much of a defense if they are ticketed while traveling on a single-lane road. If, however, they are on a multilane highway and are traveling in the far right lane, a defense attorney might argue they were not impeding traffic before getting pulled over. 


If you received a ticket for violating local traffic laws by traveling either too fast or slow, turn to James F. Bogen, Attorney at Law. This strategic defense attorney is based in Cincinnati, OH, and has been helping clients throughout Hamilton County for more than a decade. In addition to fighting traffic violations, he helps individuals devise defenses for misdemeanors, felonies, and federal offenses. To request an initial consultation with a seasoned criminal defense attorney, visit his website or call (513) 503-7251. 
