
Rats can be some of the most destructive household pests and require a professional exterminator for removal. They carry disease, chew through wood and wiring, and can contaminate all your food if left unattended on your kitchen counters. Whether you’ve already seen a rat on your property or want to prevent an infestation, it’s best to know what attracts them into your home and how you can avoid any unwanted pests. 

Why Do Rats Infest My Home? 

Seeking Food Scattered Around the Home 

Rats are constantly seeking food. Any source of food or water will draw them into your home. They’re particularly drawn to areas littered with garbage or leftover food, such as near the garbage cans outside or in the kitchen. They’re also attracted to bird feeders or fallen nuts and fruits from the trees in your yard. Secure all food storage in strong plastic containers that rats cannot chew through. Pick up garbage and clean up all food waste immediately after cooking and eating. Keep pets’ food and water bowls inside and covered. 

Seeking Shelter From Outside Elements 

exterminatorRats also seek out your home looking for a safe nesting site. They’re attracted by stacks of firewood outside, as it provides adequate shelter from the harsh weather. If you have old furniture around your property, rats and mice are likely to infest it as well. 

Empty spaces inside the house, such as inside your walls or an unattended attic, will also attract them. Rats and mice can squeeze through small cracks the size of a quarter, so the best way to keep them out is by blocking their entry through these access points. An exterminator can help you identify and seal points of entry to prevent them from entering your home. Keep the yard clean, keep shrubs trimmed, and clear away debris piles that rats could hide in.



If you see one rat around your home, chances are, there are more waiting to emerge. The professionals at 24-7 Animal & Pest Control, in the Greater St. Louis, MO, area, can remove the rodent infestation before they wreak havoc on your property. This pest company has become the trusted wildlife control and exterminator in their area, as their comprehensive service includes removing the pests and closing off access points to prevent another infestation. To schedule a pest exterminator, call (314) 236-7378 or visit their website to see their custom rodent removal solutions. 
