
Headstones offer a way for people to honor a loved one who has passed with a personal message or design that speaks to their personality and contributions to the world. Throughout history, there have been plenty of notable designs, quotes, and structures used to honor deceased celebrities, dignitaries, and others who have had a significant impact on those around them. Here are some of the unique headstones that have garnered attention throughout the years.

Do You Recognize Any of These Famous Grave Markers?

1. Elvis Presley

Elvis’s gravesite is part of the Graceland tour, so visitors can view the headstone and pay their respects. He was originally buried at a cemetery in Memphis, but the overwhelming number of visitors and gravesite tampering forced the family to move Elvis and his mother to Graceland.

2. Robert Frost

headstonesThe iconic American poet actually shares a headstone with his wife and other family members. The large stone also features a simple quote from one of his poems, “I had a lover’s quarrel with the world.”

3. Thomas Jefferson

The principal author of the Declaration of Independence has a large monument over his grave site. Jefferson left specific instructions about what should be included on the stone, including some of his major accomplishments like penning the Declaration and establishing the nation’s first secular public university. Interestingly, it doesn’t mention his presidency.

4. William Shakespeare

Shakespeare’s gravesite is famous in part due to a supposed curse. His epitaph includes the phrase, “And cursed be he that moves my bones.” This was meant to serve as a warning against exhuming his body for research purposes or to make room for more bodies on the site.

5. Alexander Hamilton

Located in the Trinity Church Graveyard in New York City, Alexander Hamilton’s headstone appears to be more of a large stone monument. The marble structure includes several inscriptions and sculptures to mark the former president’s final resting place.


Headstones and monuments aren’t just for former presidents and celebrities. To create a custom marker for yourself or a family member, contact McGee Monuments in Monroe County, NY. The company, which has been locally owned since 1900, is full of compassionate team members. They also offer more than 100 different designs to choose from, so you’re sure to find or create the option that is perfect for your headstones or grave markers. You can contact the company online or call (585) 546-4602 to speak with a member of the team.
