
Whether you have a loved one living with Alzheimer’s or are simply passionate about advocacy, October is the perfect time to show your support. During Alzheimer’s Awareness Month, Alzheimer’s care workers and advocates can work to bring attention to this disease. This guide will provide some ways that you can get involved in your community this month.

Get Involved: Alzheimer’s Awareness Month

1. Donate

One of the best ways to show your support is to donate to organizations like the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America. Whether you contribute as an individual or start a fundraiser on social media, you can show your support and contribute toward better research. Consider sharing that you donated with friends and family, encouraging them to educate themselves on the disease and possibly make a contribution themselves. 

2. Wear Purple

alzheimer's carePurple is the official color of Alzheimer’s awareness, and you can support the cause by wearing purple. You may also consider buying a hat, button, or other merchandise from an Alzheimer’s organization. When you wear these items, you can start conversations with others about Alzheimer’s care, research, and other aspects of the disease. 

3. Volunteer

Your time is precious, and you can use it well by volunteering at an Alzheimer’s care center this month. By helping the staff with care programs or simply spending time with a patient, you can make a difference in the lives of those living with Alzheimer’s. During your time as a volunteer, you can learn about this disease and the level of care that goes into treating it.  

4. Visit a Loved One

For those who do have a friend or family member living with Alzheimer’s, October is a fantastic month to spend some extra time with them and show you care. Even the smallest gestures can mean the world to an Alzheimer’s patient, so make the time to see them. Remember that it is normal to feel uncomfortable as your loved one’s condition changes, so consider talking to the Alzheimer’s care staff or at-home caregiver about how to best approach the visit. 


When it comes to quality Alzheimer’s care, the team at Home Helpers of Jacksonville in Calhoun County, AL, have the resources and compassion it takes to keep your loved one comfortable. Their in-home care services meet the needs of each individual patient, focusing on both physical and social needs. Your loved one can stay independent while still receiving the care they need. For more information about their services, you can visit their website or call (256) 776-7769 today. 
