
PSTD is a debilitating condition that is highly unique to each patient. It can affect every aspect of their life, as well as their family, which is why it’s essential to explore therapy options. There are a variety of PTSD counseling approaches, though their primary goals are to alleviate the symptoms and teach individuals how to cope with and overcome their feelings. Below are several of the most popular methods to explore, so you or a loved one can find the right treatment.

Types of PTSD Counseling to Look Into

1. Cognitive Therapy 

This therapy focuses on understanding how PTSD affects your life and writing it down so you can begin analyzing it. A therapist will work with you through every aspect of it, pointing out factors beyond your control and that aren’t your fault. Acceptance is the key to recovery, and by looking at the situation objectively, you can successfully come to terms with the issue.

2. Exposure Therapy 

ptsd counselingMany people avoid overcoming and coping with PTSD by suppressing the causes. With exposure therapy, professionals use breathing techniques and other forms of meditation to help you manage anxiety. Gradually, you’ll then begin writing down and facing different elements you’ve suppressed. A therapist may record the session, so you can revisit it at home. Doing so helps you face those stressors and acknowledge that you’re making positive strides to conquer them.

3. EMDR Therapy 

EDMR, or eye movement desensitization and reprocessing, therapy is designed to help patients in PTSD counseling more easily face traumatic memories by having them focus on external stimuli. During sessions, you’ll stare at an object moving back and forth while recounting the causes of the PTSD. You’ll create new, positive associations with the memory, making it easier to alleviate stress and develop skills to manage future anxiety.


The team at White Spruce Counseling understands that every patient is unique and brings an individual approach to PTSD counseling. Located in Rochester, NY, they assist with a range of mental health issues, from anger management to substance abuse. You can explore their services online. Call (585) 424-2436 today if you’re ready to schedule a consultation and discuss your issue.
