
If you want your furnace to keep you warm all winter long, you’ll need to give it some love first. Well-maintained heating systems will function more efficiently and reliably than those that are not. Every HVAC contractor you talk to will tell you about the importance of preventative maintenance. Use the guide below to take care of your furnace and enjoy a comfortable, energy efficient home all winter.

How to Start the Winter Right

The cold temperatures of winter will demand a lot of your system, so giving it a strong start at the beginning of the season will make a big difference. In the autumn or early winter — before you need to turn the system on for the first time — schedule a service call with your HVAC contractor. They will clean, tune, and inspect the system, which will help it run efficiently while preventing untimely breakdowns in the months to come.

If you have not had your ducts cleaned in the past few years, then it’s time to have that done as well. Debris and dust inside your ducts will dramatically impact your home’s air quality. It will also reduce your heating system’s efficiency by obstructing air flow.

What to Do During Winter

hvac contractorNow that you’ve begun the season on the right foot, keep up with your care throughout the season. Your heater’s air filter will get clogged up as it works each day, so change out the air filter once a month. A full air filter won’t catch those microscopic particles in the air, leaving your family to breathe it instead. People who suffer from asthma or who have shedding pets may want to change out the filter more often, such as every three weeks. Your HVAC contractor can show you how to change out the filters if you’ve never done it. Help your system run efficiently by keeping doors and drapes closed.


When you need furnace repair or maintenance, trust the job to the HVAC contractors at Blue Ox Heating & Air! They have been serving residents of the Twin Cities metro area for decades and know how to improve air quality, maximize efficiency, and keep you comfortable. They can set you up with smart thermostats, air purifiers and more to maximize your system. Contact them online or at (612) 217-7759 to schedule an appointment.
