
Designed to replace missing teeth, dental implants can help restore the look and function of your smile for a lifetime. But while these prosthetics are artificial, they still need to be cared for regularly, just as natural teeth do. If you’re planning on getting dental implants or already have them, here are a few important practices you should adopt to keep them in good condition.

What Can You Do to Keep Dental Implants in Excellent Shape?

1. Use Caution During Recovery

In the days following the oral surgery, be sure to follow your provider’s aftercare instructions exactly. To minimize pain and inflammation, you’ll want to avoid hard foods or chewing with the affected side of the mouth. You will also likely need to rinse the site often to reduce the risk of infection.

2. Practice Good Oral Hygiene

If bacteria and food debris build up on the dental implant, you face a higher risk of gum disease and a jawbone infection that may cause the prosthetic to fall out. To keep your smile clean, make sure you brush twice a day for two minutes each time. It’s also critical to floss around every tooth and rinse with mouthwash to remove lingering bacteria.

3. Adjust Your Brushing Tools

dental implantsWhile implants are strong devices, they can be damaged if you use inappropriate oral hygiene tools. Once your dental implants are in place, ask your dentist to recommend a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste that can keep your mouth clean.

4. Shield Yourself from Stains

Like natural teeth, dental implants can develop unattractive stains over time. However, these prosthetics do not respond to traditional teeth whitening treatments. For this reason, you should avoid consuming anything that can stain your teeth—such as cigarette smoke, red wine, and tomato sauce. If you do eat or drink substances that contribute to staining, rinse with water or brush soon after. Visiting your dentist for regular cleanings can also help implants retain their original color.

5. Address Problems Promptly

If you notice problems with your implants—such as swollen gums or a loose implant—talk to a dentist as soon as possible. When these issues are treated early, the implant can usually be preserved. However, if you wait too long, you not only risk losing the implant but putting your other teeth in danger as well.


When you want to protect your oral health and overall comfort, dental implants are a fantastic investment. If you’re a patient of the Oral Surgery Associates of Alaska, navigating the dental implant process is easy. In addition to making the surgical procedure as comfortable as possible, these specialists will also guide you through aftercare and hygiene practices that can help preserve the implant. Visit this practice online to learn more about the services they offer in Anchorage, AK, or call (907) 561-1430 to schedule a consultation with a friendly oral surgeon.  
