
When visiting your heart doctor for a routine checkup, one of their primary focuses will be your cholesterol levels. High cholesterol over 240 mg/dL can limit the amount of oxygen-rich blood that’s pumped to your heart, increasing the odds of having an attack. Fortunately, positive changes to your diet and exercise can lower these levels. If a doctor finds this to be an issue, here are some foods to steer clear of to maintain your health. 

What to Avoid if You Have High Cholesterol

1. Red Meat

Hamburgers and steaks are delicious indulgences and have some health benefits since they are a rich source of protein and iron. However, red meat is also high in saturated fats that negatively impact cholesterol levels. Limit your intake and explore plant-based options or leaner proteins, like grilled chicken breast or fish. Before eating meat, cut off fatty pieces and leave the skin behind. 

2. Deep Fried Foods

High CholestorolWhile deep-fried foods like French fries, chicken tenders, and mozzarella sticks are hard to resist, these menu items are cooked in oil and jam-packed with trans fats that make cholesterol levels skyrocket. For better health, stick to grilled, baked, or steamed alternatives. 

3. Full-Fat Dairy 

Much like red meat, whole dairy products are very high in saturated fats. For better heart health, say no to full-fat ice cream, yogurt, and cheese. Instead, try nonfat frozen yogurt and other reduced fat options when lowering your cholesterol is a priority. 


DiVagno Interventional Cardiology, MD, PA, based in the heart of Bergen County, NJ, provides top-notch cardiac care to patients in Englewood Hospital Medical Center, Hackensack University Medical Center, and Holy Name Medical Center. Led by Dr. Leonard DiVagno, a board-certified cardiovascular physician with over 20 years of experience, these heart doctors provide compassionate, patient-focused care. To schedule an appointment, call today at (201) 845-3535. For more information on how these health care professionals can help you combat heart disease, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure, visit the website
