
Your septic drain field is where the wastewater from your household eventually ends up. All the waste from your home flows into the septic tank where it is separated into wastewater, floatable matter, and solids that sink to the bottom to form sludge. Wastewater flows out of the tank through perforated pipes into the adjoining drain field where it filters through the soil to avoid groundwater contamination. Schedule septic drain field repair if you notice any of these warning signs.

5 Signs Warning You of Septic Drain Field Failure

1. Pooling Water

Saturated, clogged drain fields can no longer filter wastewater properly, causing water to pool on your lawn. Raw sewage may also emerge on the field’s surface if the tank is overloaded or has begun to leak, resulting in serious contamination issues. 

2. Overly-Lush Grass

Too much bacteria and enzyme content in septic drain fields often result in overly-green, lush grass. If you notice grass that is clearly a different color than the rest of your lawn, you need septic drain field repair to prevent further contamination.

3. Slow-Moving Drains & Standing Water

septic drain fieldClogged septic tanks and drain fields give wastewater and solids flowing out of your home nowhere to go, often resulting in slow-moving drains if not standing water. While one clogged drain is rarely a problem, you have a major plumbing issue to solve if all of the drains in your home move slowly or not at all.

4. Sewage Odor

Sewage odors permeating your backyard indicate a septic system issue. The odors may be mainly around the tank or drain field, or spread to the entire yard. Drains within your home can also develop strong odors when your septic tank and drain field are overloaded with waste.

5. Plumbing Backups

In addition to slow drains and standing water, waste with nowhere to go can back up into your sinks, tubs, and toilets. Serious backups overflow into your home, contaminating everything they touch. You may notice your toilets take several tries to flush completely prior to plumbing backups.


B’s Pumping Service provides septic drain field and tank servicing to homeowners throughout Lakeville, MN, and the surrounding areas. The state of Minnesota requires septic checks every three years by law, so take advantage of this renowned service to keep your system in perfect condition. Call (952) 469-2573 today to request a free quote, or visit their website for a complete list of services. 
