
How are you celebrating the welcome weather of the fall having finally arrived? Maybe you’re getting into the Halloween spirit, or eagerly awaiting the feasting of Thanksgiving around the corner. Regardless of what you do during this mild weather of autumn, one thing is for sure, it is a great time to save significantly on the cost of running your HVAC system. In addition, it’s a great time to think about and implement new ways to make the more out of your HVAC, what it does for you, and what you do to keep it alive and strong.

So, in the spirit of easy weather and a more comfortable home, today’s tip of the day will be a sort of hodgepodge of ideas and tips and tricks for making the most of your HVAC system during the fall.

Cheap HVAC Improvement

Let’s start with the easy stuff. Sure, there are ways to make significant overhauls to your home and your HVAC system that can pay for themselves slowly over the years in energy savings and increased energy efficiency, but sometimes we just want immediate results, or at least closer to immediate than a five years timescale.

Heating and cooling bills can make up over half of your total utility expenses, according to Department of Energy reports. So any way we can cut down on energy costs can be of great help for those looking to save money.

The first and most obvious way to do this is by increasing your thermostat by a few degrees. And this fall weather represents the best time possible to do this. The weather outside is so mild, you may find yourself perfectly comfortable without any air conditioning at all some days, depending on your home and its natural heat retaining tendency. Typically, adjusting temperatures by 5 to 8 degrees (down in winter, up in summer) can help save money and energy. With a programmable thermostat, you can automatically adjust the temperature for different times of the day or during times you are going to be away from home for several hours.

Also, by reducing the amount you use your HVAC system, you also lengthen its lifespan. That means you don’t have to worry about replacing it any time soon, and repairs are going to be necessary less often. Talk about a win.

And speaking of your HVAC system’s lifespan, another great way to increase that is to keep it clean and well maintained with a Preventative Maintenance Plan through ADE Heating and Cooling Inc.!!

Energy Saving Habits

The fall represents a great time to save energy. The heat of the summer has taken a reprise. The brutal cold of the dead of the winter has yet to come. It’s easy to be comfortable in your own home. And this effect can be amplified even further with a couple of simple, easy to implement tips.

For example, your curtains and blinds. On chilly days, open curtains on your south-facing windows during the day to allow sunlight to naturally heat your home, and close them at night to reduce the chill you may feel from cold windows.

Many people aren’t aware that by default, their water heater is probably set at a temperature above what most find necessary. But this can be changed, and it can save you energy usage. Turn down the temperature of your water heater to the warm setting (120°F). You'll not only save energy, you'll avoid scalding your hands.

Also, take advantage of those ceiling fans. You can do this to great effect whether the weather is hot or cold or in-between. If you have a ceiling fan, running it in the correct direction makes a big difference. There is usually a switch on the ceiling fan that can change its direction. Use the fan’s manual to find the switch if needed. On chilly fall days, to keep the heat secure, set the fan to run clockwise. On warm days, switch your fans to spin counter-clockwise to move air around the room and cool you. But don’t forget that since the breeze only cools you, and doesn’t actually cool the air, you should turn off fans when you leave.

Similarly, use those vents to your advantage. Since heat rises, opening more vents on the bottom floor and closing some of the vents on the top floor is another way to save money and improve efficiency. This is a relatively simple fix and can be adjusted depending on your comfort levels.

Enjoy the fall weather, both in and out of your home. And enjoy this chance to save money and energy by using some of these tips for making the most of your HVAC system in the fall.

Call ADE Heating and Cooling for all of your HVAC needs!! 609-693-6050

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