
At some point in your life, you’ll most likely have to deal with a flat tire or blowout. In the event that roadside assistance is not available, you’ll need to know how to change it. Here is a step-by-step guide to tire changes.  

How to Change Your Own Tire

1. Pull Over Safely

As soon as your tire goes flat, slow down and pull over to safety. If you’re able to make it to a parking lot, the smooth surface will make your tire change easier. If not, park your car on the far side of the shoulder to avoid the threat of oncoming traffic.

2. Get Tools Out of Your Trunk

The trunk of your vehicle should contain a tire change kit which includes a spare, jack, and lug wrench. Refer to your owner’s manual, if you need help finding it. Retrieve your emergency preparedness kit, if you have one, as protective gloves and a flashlight may come in handy.

tire change3. Jack Your Vehicle

Place the jack beneath the frame of your vehicle nearest the damaged tire. Raise your car about half a foot off the ground, and use the wrench to loosen and take off the lug nuts. Carefully remove the old tire without dislocating your vehicle from the jack. 

4. Perform the Tire Change 

Grab the spare and position it onto the bolts. Use the wrench to secure the lug nuts, but don’t tighten them yet. Unwind the jack until your vehicle is level with the ground. Remove the jack, tighten the lug nuts, then use a gauge to make sure there’s enough air in the tire. 

If you don’t feel comfortable with DIY tire changes, rely on roadside assistance from Discount Towing and Recovery. Additionally, this towing company offers jumpstarts, used auto parts, and used car sales to Mountain Home, AR. Call them at (870) 425-1775 anytime you happen to find yourself stranded on the side of the road. Visit their website to learn more about pricing and services. 
