
The fall season is the ideal time to pump your septic system. Doing so will prevent you from dealing with cold weather damage and ensure proper waste processing throughout the winter months. Here are a few reasons why you should hire experts for septic pumping in autumn. 

Why Should Septic Pumping Be Scheduled in the Fall?

1. Holidays Mean Increased Use

Throughout the holiday season, you’ll likely entertain plenty of guests in your home. As a result, this means your bathrooms, and therefore your septic system, will experience an uptick in use. Without pumping in advance of the winter months, the tank may struggle to process the increase in waste fluids and become overextended. Prevent clogs and sewage backups by allowing the experts to pump your tank prior to the arrival of your guests.

2. Prevent Frozen Pipes & Tank

When temperatures plummet, your septic system runs the risk of freezing. This may cause the pipes to burst and the tank to crack, and it usually prevents healthy bacteria from properly breaking down waste materials. Frozen septic tanks also tend to introduce impurities into your home’s drinking water supply. Pumping will keep fluids flowing in your system, generating enough heat to prevent its parts from freezing. 

3. Easier Servicing 

septic pumpingIt’s also much quicker and easier to perform septic pumping services during the fall season. After the first snow, a contractor will likely take a bit longer to successfully treat and maintain your tank, which usually means you’ll get a higher bill. Save money and time by ordering septic pumping services while the weather outside is still clement. 


Prepare for winter with reliable septic maintenance from Around the Clock Pumping. They provide drain cleaning, line jetting, septic pump repairs, and several other services to the Greater Anchorage, AK, area. Call them at (907) 345-9126 to speak with a representative about septic pumping and getting an estimate. Visit their website to learn more about what they offer to your community. 
