
Children who are struggling with undiagnosed hearing loss can experience social and cognitive delays and emotional issues, and they can also fall behind in school. Early detection is critical to diagnosing and treating auditory issues. Hearing screenings are probably part of your child’s annual wellness visit with the pediatrician, but it’s also important to know the signs of hearing loss so you can be proactive in helping your child if an issue arises.

5 Signs of Hearing Loss in Children

1. Delayed or Limited Speech Development

The ability to hear informs infants’ and toddlers’ language development as they learn from the voices around them. If your child is not hitting typical speech and language milestones or struggles to put words together as well as their peers, ask your pediatrician for a hearing test. They may refer you to a speech and hearing pathologist who can provide activities to stimulate language development, even if your child does not have hearing loss.

hearing loss2. Listening to Media at a High Volume

Does your child consistently listen to the television or radio at a high volume? This, combined with an inability to pay attention to any other sounds while watching TV, can indicate possible hearing loss. Observe your child when the TV is at a lower volume and ask questions to see if they’re struggling to follow along.

3. Unexplained Decline in Grade Point Average

Any sudden drop in your child’s academic performance should be evaluated and addressed before it takes a serious toll on their grade point average. Meet with your child’s teacher to discuss how they’re responding in class. Your child’s teacher spends many hours a week with students and can be a great partner in helping to detect early signs of hearing loss.

4. Speaking Loudly

Kids often forget to use their “indoor voice” when they’re playing or talking, but a child who consistently speaks at a louder volume than those around them may do so because of mild hearing loss. If you find yourself frequently asking your child to lower their voice during regular conversation, consider talking to your pediatrician.

5. Difficulty Following Conversations

Inattentiveness may seem like your child’s mind simply wanders, but it may mean they can’t follow the conversation. One symptom of early hearing loss is the inability to follow a conversation in a noisy environment or when more than one person is talking at a time.


Solbrig Hearing Center in Kerrville, TX, offers evaluation and treatment for hearing loss using the latest technology. They are your source for hearing aids and accessories as well as devices like amplified telephones to improve your connection to the everyday world. Call (830) 895-5900 today or contact Solbrig Hearing Center online to schedule a hearing loss evaluation.
