
Low-carbon stainless steel, titanium, and copper are notoriously difficult to work with, even for experienced machine shops. These gummy materials have a tendency to create long, stringy chips, which adhere together to produce built-up edges of debris that dull tools, damage parts, and compromise the accuracy of the final product. The tips below will help you achieve perfect results when working with even the gummiest materials.

4 Tips for Working With Gummy Metals

1. Use Extra Coolant

High temperatures can melt stringy chips together, promoting the built-up edges that can scratch the surface finish and damage your tools. Machining these materials may require more coolant than usual, which will control temperatures and flash-cool chips, shattering them into smaller pieces and reducing the risk of buildup.

2. Increase the Feed Rate

machine shopAllowing the tool to dwell in one place increases the chances of hardening and chip buildup, so avoid letting it sit still. Increasing the feed rate while reducing the speed of the tool will keep temperatures as low as possible and allow the coolant to remove excess material.

3. Arc the Tool In

Gradually angling the tool into the surface reduces shock and mitigates damage to the cutting surface. Most machine shops prefer to introduce tools at an angle, no matter what material they’re working with.

4. Use the Correct Tool

When working with gummy materials, always use the sharpest tool available, with a coating designed for the substance you’re machining. Unlike other materials, gummy metals don’t wear tools at a uniform rate, so check for damage at regular intervals. As soon as you notice dulling or wear, change out the tool immediately to avoid sudden failure.


As one of La Crosse, WI’s most experienced, well-equipped machine shops, C & C Machine Inc has the capacity to achieve perfect results with even the most difficult materials. Whether you have a small welding job or need a partner for large-scale sheet metal fabrication, their technicians will help bring your project to life. Visit their website for more on their wide-ranging services, follow their Twitter for more tips and advice, or call (608) 784-4427 to contact the machine shop and request a quote.
