
Concussions are common sports injuries that occur when a blow to the head disrupts normal brain function. While these incidents are usually classified as a mild, traumatic brain injury, concussions can have serious side effects—including brain damage, coma, nausea, headache, and neck pain. Given these risks, all athletes must protect themselves during physical activity. If you’re concerned about this danger, here are a few guidelines about preventing and treating the condition.

How Can Athletes Reduce the Risk?

Athletes can prevent concussions by wearing the proper protective gear, such as a helmet. Those who engage in contact sports, like football, hockey, and wrestling, are at the greatest risk. You should also regularly inspect and replace the gear to ensure it isn’t damaged.

As the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate, nearly 25% of concussions among high school athletes stem from aggressive or illegal play. As such, it is also critical for participants to follow the rules of the game and avoid combative contact with other parties.

What Are the Signs of a Concussion?

headacheThe signs of a concussion can vary depending on the incident. A doctor should always assess an athlete’s well-being after suffering a blow to the head. In many cases, players will experience a headache, dizziness, confusion, nausea, and vision problems.

However, some may not necessarily notice the effects of the sports injury right away. In these situations, a person may develop neck pain, memory problems, drowsiness, or a headache in the hours or days following the incident.

If you suspect a concussion, stop the activity and see a doctor as soon as possible. They will provide a comprehensive neurological evaluation to check for signs of brain damage or injury. If they find a problem, the physician will likely recommend hospitalization and rest while you heal.

How Can a Chiropractor Help With Treatment?

Chiropractors help provide relief from the condition. They specialize in treating musculoskeletal injuries and often perform adjustments to correct spinal alignment caused by the trauma. In so doing, these professionals reduce neck pain, minimize headaches, and promote the natural healing processes.


Whether you’re recovering from a concussion or another type of sports injury, the Stroud Chiropractic Clinic offers comprehensive care to relieve symptoms and support healing. Through personalized treatments—such as chiropractic adjustments—this provider will minimize headaches, improve mobility, and ease back and neck pain. To learn more about their advanced care options, visit the Archdale, NC, professional online. For convenient same-day appointments, call (336) 434-2107.
