
Every year, numerous homeowners are faced with damages caused by heavy rain, wind, and hail. While a storm can wreak havoc on any part of a home, one area that’s especially susceptible is the roof. For this reason, it’s important to inspect your roof after each serious storm so you can contact your roofing company if necessary to further assess the situation and determine the best solution. Here are a few ways to identify storm damage. 

3 Tips for Inspecting Your Roof for Storm Damage 

1. Look for Missing Shingles 

It’s common for high winds to knock roof shingles loose. Having spots where shingles are missing not only looks unappealing, but it also increases the chances of leaks and interior damage. Look on the ground all around your property for shingles that have been dislodged. 

2. Check for Fallen Trees & Branches 

roofing companyWhen large branches or trees fall on a roof, they can cause significant structural damage. Walk the property and note any branches you see on the ground, as this could mean they hit your roof on their way down. If a tree has fallen, it’s likely you will need to stay somewhere else until your roofing company has thoroughly evaluated the damage. 

3. Search for Active Leaks 

Should you discover missing or broken shingles, there’s a good chance water may be entering your home somewhere. Go into the attic to see if you can detect an active leak or spot holes in the roof where the sunlight shines in. Also, begin searching for water stains or discoloration on the ceiling, walls, and floor, and look for cracked or peeling paint. 


Checking for roof damage after a storm should be done in a timely manner, as this can make all the difference between an affordable repair job and a much more expensive replacement. If you require the services of a reputable roofing company in Liberty County, GA, or its surrounding areas, contact D. B. Gulliver & Son Roofing. With more than 30 years of experience, they have earned a solid reputation for providing quality workmanship and superior customer service. In the event your roof has been damaged in a storm, you can count on them to offer a long-term and cost-effective solution. Call (912) 876-4401 to request a free estimate, or follow the roofing company on Facebook for more valuable information.
