
Most accident attorneys advise clients to take certain steps immediately after a car crash to protect their health, welfare, and legal rights. But, in the wake of an incident, it's not uncommon to feel shaken up and uneasy. To ensure you take the proper precautions, below are a few essential do’s and don’ts to keep in mind.


Collect the contact information of other drivers and witnesses.

Eyewitnesses can provide compelling evidence that supports your position. If anyone saw the accident occur, get their name and contact information. Also take down the phone number of the other driver involved, as well as their insurance details, in case you have to file an insurance claim or lawsuit.

Document the scene.

accident attorneysIn any legal matter, the stronger the evidence one presents, the more compelling their case. In the aftermath of a crash, document the scene by taking photos of the vehicle damage and injuries. Jot down the details of what happened while they're still fresh in your mind.


Put off seeing a doctor, even if you feel fine.

Always get checked out by a medical professional after a car crash. Even if you are convinced that you suffered no serious injury, it's best to get the all-clear from a doctor or paramedic. Many symptoms take time to manifest after an incident. Keep a journal of your health in the coming weeks.

Negotiate with insurance agents without an accident attorney.

An insurer might try to get you to settle for less than your case is worth. Having an accident attorney represent you is the best armor against the tactics companies sometimes employ. A lawyer will look out for your best interests and ensure any proposed amount meets your needs.


If you've been in a car crash, let the accident attorneys at Bray & Johnson work to get you the needed compensation. Since 1978, they have been representing clients throughout Cherokee County and Northern Georgia in accident and injury matters, offering quality counsel through every step of the process. Call (770) 479-1426 to schedule a confidential consultation. Visit them online to learn more about their background and expertise in this and other practice areas.
