
For many adults, lower back pain is a daily occurrence. About 80% of Americans experience this type of pain in their lifetimes, and for some, it can make even the smallest tasks difficult. Fortunately, by talking to your doctor and seeing a chiropractor regularly, you can get to the root of your back pain and begin managing it. The following are some of the most common causes of lower back pain. 

What Is Causing Your Lower Back Pain?

Muscle & Ligament Strain

Strains to the muscles and ligaments in the lower back can happen from a sudden movement or gradually over time. Either way, this injury occurs when the ligaments or muscles stretch too far. Patients with a strain may experience stiffness and muscle spasms in addition to their pain. Your chiropractor may recommend physical therapy and rest for this injury, as strains generally heal with time. 

Spinal Misalignment

chiropractorAbnormal curves in the spine, such as scoliosis, can cause back pain. If you are experiencing back pain because of this misalignment, your chiropractor will examine your alignment and recommend a course of treatment. They will monitor the curve in your spine and recommend further medical treatment if necessary. 


This condition occurs when a disk in your spine presses on your sciatic nerve. You may experience pain that feels like pins and needles in the legs and feet. Physical therapy and stretching can often provide relief for those suffering from sciatica. Your chiropractor can recommend a specific treatment course for you. 

Spinal Stenosis

Spinal stenosis involves the narrowing of the spinal column, which puts pressure on the nerves. In addition to pain, patients can feel weakness and numbness. Those who experience this condition may find that their symptoms worsen when standing or walking. This condition often develops as a result of osteoarthritis, so older individuals may have more risk. 

Herniated Disc

Also called a slipped disk, this condition happens when the cartilage around the lumbar spine swells and pushes against the spinal chord. This type of spinal injury often happens suddenly from strain or quick movement. Herniated disks can cause pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness, so it’s important to see a medical professional if you suspect this injury. 


Experiencing lower back pain? The team at Broeg Chiropractic & Nutritional Center in Florence, KY, is here to help you find relief. Their qualified staff of chiropractors and specialists offers chiropractic care, sports rehabilitation, and nutritional supplements to help you live your most vibrant and healthy life. Whether you recently suffered an injury or simply want to boost your overall wellness, they will customize treatment to your specific needs. For more information about their services, visit their website or call (859)-525-2020 today. 
