
Carpenter ants can do quite a number on the wood fixtures in your home thanks to their tunneling abilities. They can also be quite numerous, with a single colony potentially housing up to 50,000 ants. If you want to get rid of your ant problem but are also concerned about the safety of any pets you have in the home, the following advice can prove quite helpful.

How to Safely Remove Carpenter Ants From Your Home

1. Close Up Any Points of Entry

Tracking the ants into your home will give you an indication of how they’re getting in. Once you’ve determined points of entry, apply caulking to any cracks or crevices to ensure ants can no longer make their way in. Weatherstripping the bottom of door and windows is also recommend to prevent ants from slipping in your home.

2. Thoroughly Wash Your Home

carpenter antsOnce you’ve prevented ants from entering your home, the next step is to remove any pheromone trails. Pheromones can actually attract even more ants to your home, so be sure to use soap and hot water in any areas where you’ve seen ants in the past. 

3. Remove the Ant Nest

You’ll need to remove the ants where they live. This can be done by taking about three gallons of boiling water and pouring it into the nest. Be sure to take the proper precautions to prevent scalding yourself when pouring the water into the nest. The best course of action is to hire a professional exterminator to completely remove the nest.


If your carpenter ant problem persists despite your best efforts, it may be time to call in the professionals. The exterminators at Arab Termite and Pest Control of Cincinnati can make short work of your bug problem. Their three-step process identifies the source of the pest in question, provides treatment in the home, and schedules a follow-up appointment to ensure they have not returned. If you need assistance in the Greater Cincinnati, OH, area, call (513) 385-3430. You can also visit their website for more information on services.
