
Dentures are false teeth that are custom-made for a seamless fit in the wearer’s mouth. While many individuals may never envision needing them, millions of people rely on these dental solutions for a restored quality of life. Because missing teeth can cause bite issues and jaw deterioration, it’s important to seek a restorative treatment sooner rather than later. Here are some indicators you should discuss dentures with your dentist.   

5 Signs You May Need Dentures

1. Several Teeth Missing

One of the key characteristics of an ideal candidate for false teeth is the absence of at least two or three teeth. Open gaps could compromise your existing teeth and may also make daily activities more challenging.

2. Gum Inflammation

Swollen or red gums are common symptoms of inflammation. Left unaddressed, unhealthy gums could lead to bone or tooth loss. Bleeding gums are never normal and should always be addressed by dental professionals.

3. Difficulty Chewing

If the state of your smile has made it difficult to chew foods, you’ll need to pursue restorative treatment to ensure your nutritional needs are met. While there are certain foods that should be avoided while wearing dentures, false teeth open up many choices for people with severe tooth loss or damage.

dentures4. Changes in Your Smile

If your teeth are shifting out of place, take note. This could suggest bone loss, which may result from aging or periodontal disease. Replacing teeth with full or partial dentures is one way to help control the condition.  

5. Loose Teeth

Permanent teeth should never feel loose, and this symptom can also indicate periodontal disease or bone loss. If the teeth are too damaged to be saved, your dentist may recommend extraction followed by dentures.


If you’re struggling with smile imperfections and think you might be a candidate for dentures, contact the caring team from Tri-State Dental Care. Serving northern Kentucky and the surrounding areas, these family dentistry professionals are committed to providing individualized care. Learn more about their affordable restorative dentistry options online or call (859) 426-2790 to schedule an appointment.
