
Endometriosis occurs when the type of tissue found inside the uterus is present in other areas of the body, forming endometrial lesions. This usually occurs in the abdomen but can be present anywhere. A host of symptoms usually (but not always) accompany endometriosis, such as heavy bleeding and abdominal pain. If you have symptoms, it’s important to see your gynecologist to confirm a diagnosis.

Symptoms of Endometriosis

1. Abdominal Pain

Pain affecting the lower abdomen is the most common symptom of endometriosis. The pain may be constant or cyclical, occurring during or right before menstruation, which causes many women to assume that it’s menstrual cramps. However, extreme pain that interrupts your normal routine is not just something to put up with. A gynecologist can perform a laparoscopy to look for signs of endometriosis. 

2. Heavy Periods

Heavy menstrual cycles are another common symptom and possible sign you need to see your gynecologist. Not every woman with heavy periods will have endometriosis, so your doctor can help determine the cause.

3. Gastrointestinal Issues

gynecologistIntestinal pain, diarrhea, and constipation may all be symptoms of endometriosis that are mistaken for IBS or food intolerance. Special diets or treatment for gastrointestinal conditions won’t heal the endometrial lesions that are present in the abdomen. A confirmed diagnosis is important to receive appropriate treatment, such as medication or surgery to remove endometrial lesions.

4. Infertility

Endometriosis has a detrimental effect on fertility, with 20-40% of infertile women also having the condition. Fallopian tubes can become distorted and unable to perform their functions, and inflammation around or within the uterus can also adversely impact the function of the ovaries, eggs, and uterus itself. 

5. Painful Intercourse

Pain during and after sex can be another sign that endometrial lesions are present. Although many other conditions may affect intercourse, if pain is present along with other symptoms, see a gynecologist to diagnose the cause. Many women who have had undiagnosed endometriosis may have long assumed this pain is normal, but it could be signs of a larger problem.


If you’re searching for a caring and compassionate gynecologist, Advanced OB-GYN Services, serving Bridgeton and Saint Peters, MO, offers diagnosis and treatment for endometriosis and other reproductive conditions. Dr. Hazan takes a personal interest in each patient and offers care for each stage of pregnancy and childbirth as well as total well-woman care. Call (636) 928-1800 in Saint Peters or (314) 291-2140 in Bridgeton to make an appointment, or visit their website to request information and learn more about Dr. Hazan’s practice.
