
As a parent, one of your greatest concerns is your child’s health. Oral health is an important aspect, as a healthy mouth can contribute to better overall well-being. Tongue-tie is a common issue in children, and although it’s not dangerous, it can have short- and long-term implications. Here’s how to test for this issue and what to do if you think your child may have it.

How Do You Test for Tongue-Tie? 

In many cases, a tongue-tie is diagnosed when a child is born. If not, you can check for signs at home. Inspect your child’s mouth to see if there is a lingual frenum—or a small fold of tissue—when your child lifts their tongue. Run your finger under the tongue to feel if the lingual frenum goes to the tip of the tongue and if it’s thick. If you push it gently, it may cause the tip of the tongue to fold and bend downward. 

tongue-tieYou may also notice the side effects of tongue-tie, such as difficulty latching, a clicking noise when sucking, weight gain, and excessive drooling. If your child has any of these problems, consult with your pediatric dentist who can diagnose tongue-tie within minutes at their office. 

What Causes Tongue-Tie? 

Tongue-tie may be genetic and is typically more common in boys than girls. The lingual frenum usually separates before birth, allowing the tongue to move freely. However, with a tongue-tie, the membrane remains attached to the bottom of the tongue. Doctors are not sure why this occurs. 

How Does It Affect Your Child?

The condition may affect breastfeeding, making it challenging for a child to latch properly to receive milk. Later on, it may cause speech impediments, as well as challenges with oral hygiene. Fortunately, it’s highly treatable. Your dentist will determine the best course of action based on the severity of the issue. In some cases, a frenotomy may be the solution. This involves snipping the frenum—a quick procedure with minimal pain or discomfort. 


Alaska Dentistry for Kids in Anchorage, AK, offers top-notch, compassionate dental care for children of all ages. Headed by Dr. Chris Coplin, it’s one of the community’s most trusted kids’ dental care providers, offering a broad range of services, including special needs dentistry and tongue-tie laser treatment. Call (907) 274-2525 to speak with a friendly staff member, or visit their website to learn more about their services. 
