
Roofing systems can endure a lot throughout their lifetimes, including blazing heat, high winds, heavy snow and ice, and fallen tree branches. If your roof is starting to show signs of wear, a few repairs by your local roofing contractor may be enough. However, it is sometimes best to replace the entire roof. If you’re not sure which option your contractor will recommend, the following guide may help you anticipate what upgrades your home’s roof needs.

Factors That Affect Whether to Repair or Replace Your Roof


How old is your roof? Shingle roofs typically do not last more than 25 years. If your roofing system is nearing its expiration date and experiencing a variety of problems, save yourself the hassle of expensive repairs with a full replacement. A newly-replaced roof also makes a great selling point if you intend to put your house on the market within the next few years.

Excessive Curling, Buckling, & Broken Shingles

roofing contractorShingles curl, buckle, and break easily as they weaken with age. While the occasional curling or broken shingle from a serious storm is an easy roofing contractor fix, an excessive number of damaged shingles indicates the need for replacement.

Many Granules in Gutters

Another sign of failing shingles is a high amount of granules in your gutter system. If you notice a significant number of granules in your gutters during your annual spring or fall cleaning, your shingles are deteriorating, and your roof may need replacing.

Sagging & Leaks

A sagging roofing system is more than just unsightly — it is a serious danger that can result in a partial or full collapse. Additionally, sunlight or water entering through the rafters means deteriorating underlayment below the shingles. Don’t wait if your roof has begun to sag or allow the elements to enter your home — get it replaced as soon as possible.


Ace Roofing is the experienced roofing contractor you can count on to keep your roof beautiful and functional. They proudly provide central North Carolina with quality, weather-resistant roof repairs and replacements as well as lifetime warranties on labor services for new roofs. Call (336) 308-4312 to schedule your free consultation today, or visit their website for service details. View the contractors’ latest work and updates on Facebook.
