
While most dirt and streaks are easy to remove on windows, there may come a time when the glass looks cloudy no matter how clean they are. Fogged glass blocks your view of the outdoors and impacts the amount of natural light the home gets throughout the day. Though it can be an eyesore, it doesn’t mean anything is wrong with the glass; it just means you need a few simple repairs. Before you schedule an appointment, it’s helpful to know what causes foggy windows in the first place.

What Causes Fogged Glass

The vast majority of foggy glass occurs in double and triple paned windows. Each pane has a small amount of space between the next filled with a small amount of gas to insulate the home from the elements. When the seal on the glass fails or is damaged, moisture and condensation can collect in between each pane, creating that characteristic fog.

The fog may not always be visible. In fact, it’s often only seen when the temperatures, moisture levels inside the glass, and the lighting is just right. However, the longer the fogged windows go unaddressed, the more likely it is for the glass to develop mineral deposits inside the panes. Over time, these deposits can make the glass look foggy even when the moisture inside has dried.

What You Can Do

Fogged WindowsThough some homeowners choose to do nothing, leaving the fog in place makes the whole room look dirtier than it is. A full window replacement will solve the problem, but it’s often expensive and unnecessary. Instead, simply replace the glass. An experienced glass and window repair technician can replace the fogged glass with new sheets, leaving you with a clean and clear window.


Tired of looking at fogged glass in the home? Contact the team at Genesee Glass & Mirror. For more than 40 years, they’ve helped businesses and residents throughout Rochester, NY, keep their windows looking beautiful. Their experienced technicians will replace your damaged and dirty glass, saving you money and time on repairs. Learn more about their services online and call (585) 621-3580 to schedule an estimate.
