
Anyone who performs their own auto repair needs to remember a vital task that often goes overlooked—cleaning the engine bay afterward. Oil changes, fluid refills, and engine rebuilds can be messy, leaving behind residue that can impact pulleys, bearings, and other components in your vehicle’s engine. The good news: cleaning the engine bay is easy if you follow these steps.

Cleaning a Car’s Engine Bay in 3 Steps

Prep Work

Start by popping the hood and letting the engine cool for 30 minutes to an hour. While you wait, place drip pans and pads underneath the carriage to catch soap and water. Then, disconnect the battery terminals—this is a crucial step that will prevent any electrical shorts. Cover the alternator with a plastic bag. If your car has a carburetor and distributor, cover those components as well. Make sure fluid reservoirs (brake, power steering, oil) are also sealed tightly. Before you start cleaning, put on plastic gloves to protect your hands from chemicals, safety glasses, and a mask.

auto repairsDegreaser & Rinse

Start from the top of the hood and work your way down. Engine degreaser needs to be applied liberally to cut through oil and grime. Use a soft-bristled wash brush to clean heavily coated areas, and let the degreaser sit for a few minutes. Next, use a low-pressure hose to rinse everything off. Some engines that haven’t been cleaned frequently might need more degreaser and another rinse.

Final Wash

Next, apply automotive soap and scrub away lingering debris. Use different size brushes and pipe cleaners to remove hard-to-reach dust. Rinse everything again and let the engine bay dry out, then remove the plastic bags and reconnect your battery.  


Cleaning out your engine bay can take up to two hours, but the results will make your car look like new and protect against corrosion and costly auto repairs. In the Cincinnati area, Trester Used Auto Parts has the parts and supplies you need to complete the job and any other auto repairs. Whether you need engine parts or drip pans, you’ll find a large selection of items at their 12-acre lot. If you need parts for a DIY auto repair, call (513) 831-9141 or visit them online for more information about what’s in stock.
