
Have you ever thought about getting your teeth whitened? Although you can find teeth whitening products at most grocery stores, there is a reason the American Dental Association (ADA) recommends working with a dentist. Here are a few of the benefits of professional dental whitening.

3 Reasons to Have Your Teeth Whitened by a Dentist

1. Protect Your Smile

Before your dentist begins the teeth whitening process, your smile will be carefully inspected for chips, fractures, and decay. After these problems are resolved, teeth whitening can proceed. This important first step helps avoid exposing sensitive dental roots to whitening products, protecting your teeth and your overall comfort.

2. Improve Your Self-Confidence

Dentists also work hard to find the right teeth whitening shade for your smile. This not only helps you achieve optimal results, but it also helps improve your self-confidence. Instead of a smile that looks too bright, your smile will be as white as you want it to be. Additionally, dentists can evaluate the reason behind the staining and offer suggestions for avoiding similar issues in the future. 

3. Save Time & Money

Working with a dentist also helps you save time, since they have access to higher powers of dental bleach concentrations. Although the upfront costs involved with professional teeth whitening can be higher than DIY kits, most patients achieve better results faster, saving time and money in the long run. Additionally, since professional teeth whitening is safer, patients can prevent collateral problems that could necessitate additional dental visits.


By taking the time to improve your smile, you might improve your entire life. At Advanced Dental Care in Navajo County, AZ, their experienced dental team will help you with everything from teeth whitening and cosmetic contouring to restorations and root canals. To learn more about the facility and their services, visit their website or call (928) 537-4363.
