
You demand a lot from your power tools, and over time, they will gradually wear down. This doesn’t mean it’s time for a replacement, however. Many can be completely revived with a few replacement parts, most of which are closely related. Before you head to the hardware store, consider common parts that need replacement below and how a repair shop can assist.

3 Power Tool Parts That Often Need Replacement

1. Batteries

If your cordless power tools begin slowing down, it doesn’t always mean that they’re reaching the end. In many cases, it’s simply the removable batteries. They can only go through so many charging cycles before they stop holding a charge. Exposure to extreme temperatures can also damage them. There may also be issues with the connection between the battery and the power tools, so have a professional take a look.

2. Power Cables

Power chords face a lot of dangers on job sites, and eventually, small nicks in the casing can cause issues with the wires. These can completely shut down your power tools and, in general, are a safety hazard. Luckily, most are easy to repair, so take measures to keep the cords away from sharp objects and protect the prongs.

3. Drive Belts

power toolsThe motors in most of your power tools are run by drive belts. When they split and break from general wear, you’re not going to get any service. Drive belts need to stay lubricated to avoid rot, so make it a regular part of your maintenance regimen. They can be tricky to replace or repair on your own, so always reach out to repair professionals if you don’t have the experience.


Aero Services keeps your power tools in use, and since 1957, they’ve provided comprehensive repair services to residents of Fairbanks, AK. Their factory-trained professionals can work with a variety of brands and products, including welding machines and pneumatic tools, and they will ensure your items are primed for use and will hold up going forward. Call (907) 479-6666 today to schedule a repair. You can explore a complete breakdown of their services online.
