
Hawaii’s hurricane season runs from June through November, which leaves its residents susceptible to natural disasters for nearly half the year. Storms can leave significant damage in their wake, including extended periods of power outages. While there are many ways to prepare your home for severe weather, one of the simplest yet most effective is keeping ample packaged ice on hand.

A Guide to Preparing for Hurricanes With Packaged Ice

What Is the Purpose of Packaged Ice?

In the event of a power outage, officials recommend using frozen and refrigerated food first. Whatever you don’t use, however, can be kept cold with the help of packaged ice. It also serves an additional purpose: if you lose access to clean running water, ice can be melted for drinking. Keep in mind that you can also boil water on a grill or gas stove for one to three minutes or use water purification tablets to produce clean water as needed.

Should You Keep Dry Ice Too?

Block packaged ice stays cold longer than cubes, and can even stay frozen for several days in a well-insulated cooler. In warm temperatures without a source of electricity to keep it frozen, however, ice may melt at a quicker rate. That’s why you should also have dry ice on hand. Dry ice used in an approved cooler does not liquefy as it warms. It can keep the contents of a freezer cold for days at a time.

How Much Do You Need?

If your freezer isn’t full, store as much packaged ice as it will hold in it leading up to an anticipated hurricane. Purchase your ice as early as possible since supplies will become limited as others stock up too. Dry ice is not stored in freezers, but does need to be purchased shortly before use because of its limited shelf life. Aim to have at least 25 pounds, which should keep a 10-cubic foot freezer cold for at least 24 hours (Time may vary).


When Honolulu residents and business owners need to purchase packaged ice in bulk, they turn to Hawaiian Ice Company. Offering dry and traditional ice in orders of 600 pounds or more, they deliver to a broad range of clients throughout Oahu. Learn more about their services online, or call (808) 538-6918 to place an order.
