
Most U.S. drivers prefer vehicles with automatic transmission systems over manual ones for their ease of use and lower maintenance needs. However, while an automatic transmission is more convenient, it’s also quite pricey to repair or replace, particularly for full rebuilds. Here are a few transmission maintenance tips that will keep the system functioning at its best for longer.

5 Transmission Maintenance Tips for Your Vehicle

1. Go for Regular Inspections

As with most mechanical systems, routine maintenance is the key to longevity and efficiency. Have your transmission system checked regularly to spot worn out parts, change filters, and flush or replace fluid. Check your owner’s manual to determine specific intervals and procedures for transmission maintenance.

2. Shift Into Gears Properly

Just because you’re driving an automatic doesn’t mean you can overlook proper shifting. Before switching gears from drive to park, reverse, or vice versa, ensure your vehicle is at a complete stop. Failing to do so will tax your transmission.

3. Check Fluid Levels

transmission maintenanceCheck your transmission fluid level regularly for leaks in the system. Pull out the dipstick and compare it against the recommended levels. If it’s lower than it should be, your transmission system might have sprung a leak. Examine the color and smell of the transmission fluid as well; if it looks murky and burnt, there’s likely a problem.

4. Avoid Heavy Loads

If your vehicle is not built to tow other cars or pull heavy loads, refrain from doing so. The added weight will put unnecessary strain on your automatic transmission, which may cause operational issues down the road.

5. Keep It Cool

Several transmission troubles happen because of overheating. At high temperatures, transmission fluid oxidizes and loses its lubricating qualities, damaging the system with deposits. Excessive heat from straining, such as steep inclines and hefty weights, can put extra wear and tear on your transmission, so go easy as you drive.


Keep your vehicle in top shape with routine transmission maintenance services from the locally owned Pearl City Transmission. Located in Waipio Gentry, HI, these ASE®-certified truck and auto transmission repair experts offer excellent services at affordable rates. To get an estimate, call (808) 671-8767, or visit their website for more information on automatic transmission repair and rebuilds.
