
Chiropractic and adjustments can help lower blood pressure.

The following are ways anybody can help themselves to try and avoid medications which can have serious side effects. Examples are:

Regular Chiropractic Adjustments

  • Maintains vital nerve flow to the cardiovascular system.
  • Reduces mechanical stress to the nervous system.
  • Enhances all nutritional and dietary considerations by allowing for optimal assimilation.


  • Relieves stress
  • Enhances circulation

Give Your Body the Right Kinds of Food

  • Obesity often can lead to increased blood pressure.
  • Give up “empty” calories like sugar, white bread, cake, cookies, pie, saturated fats (lard, shortening), hard alcohol.
  • Try eating more fish, lean meat, vegetables, and polyunsaturated fats (liquid corn oil) less butter, egg yolks, pork, bologna, sausage, juicy steaks.
  • A pint of beer or about half as much wine has about as many calories as a pat of butter. So avoid beer, wine, and liquor.

Cut Down on Salt

  • Try to decrease the salt you add while cooking and not add any salt at the table.
  • Avoid salt-loaded foods, such as chips, crackers, and canned foods high in sodium.
  • Instead of salt, try cooking with other flavorings such as lemon juice, mint, mustard, herbs, curry, etc. Use your imagination!

Quit Smoking

  • Cigarette smokers not only drive up their blood pressure, but also run twice the risk of heart attack as nonsmokers.

Get More Exercise

  • Walk up and down stairs rather than taking the elevator. Walk the few blocks to the store rather than hopping in the car etc.
  • Try to be physically active every day, and twice as active on weekends.
  • Do something physical for at least 30 minutes a day.

Increase Your Leanness if Overweight

  • Implement an effective weight loss program.
  • Stay away from alcohol.

Control Your Caffeine Intake

  • Coffee, tea, colas, and analgesics contain caffeine which can elevate blood pressure.

Increase Consumption of Calcium, Garlic, Magnesium, Potassium-Rich Foods

  • Studies show that calcium, magnesium, garlic, and potassium may be more helpful in lowering blood pressure than salt restriction.

Increase Omega-3 Fatty Acids

  • Studies indicate that oils in fish may help lower blood pressure.


  • High blood pressure is a dangerous disease. If not brought under control, it can lead to strokes and heart attacks.
  • High blood pressure is a silent disease. You cannot tell how high it is by how you feel. The only way of telling is in the doctor’s office with a blood pressure cuff.
  • High blood pressure is a lifelong disease. Diet, exercise, and quitting smoking can bring blood pressure under control, but it will go back up again if these measures are stopped.